KEY POINTS Der Konflikt geht zurück auf die rechtswidrige Entscheidung Joseph Stalins vom 5. Juli 1921, das mehrheitlich von Armeniern bewohnte Berg-Karabach (NKAO) als autonome Oblast an die aserbaidschanische SSR zu übertragen. 1926 betrug der Bevölkerungsanteil der Armenier 89,1 Prozent. Am 2. September 1991, im Rahmen des Zerfallsprozesses der UdSSR, aktivierten die Armenier von Berg-Karabach…


Since the beginning of the War of Independence of Artsakh the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan including “Nagorno-Karabakh” has been continuously highlighted and circulated in the media. What is neglected, however, is that during the summit meeting in Lisbon, Portugal on December 2, 1996, the principle of the right of self-determination of peoples…


Deutsch-Armenische Juristenvereinigung eV is an association of German and Armenian lawyers who are committed to promoting legal exchange on legal question relating to Armenian issues, promoting cooperation between the German and Armenian law faculties, promoting remembrance, and legal development of the Armenian genocide, to promoting legal clarification and the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,…
